Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Group Project Update!

So, for our group project we selected E-mails. After discussing with the group briefly, we divided up the assignment into four parts: Intro/Conclusion, Good E-Mails, Bad E-Mails, and Pros/Cons of using E-Mail. I ended up drawing the Intro/Conclusion, so I'm pulling from all of my group mates' material, along with some of my own to create a beginning and end for our presentation. I've already written some rough outlines for what I intend to say in my presentation, and we're going to finish erecting the Powerpoint on Thursday, with any luck.

1 comment:

  1. awesome progress. Are you guys pulling from your own emails of experience in "bad emails and good emails" or just finding some on the internet?

    One thing that I find really important is the greeting and the signature. If someone just says "Hey Girl," as a greeting its not very formal, and doesn't make me feel good about it if it is coming from someone I know professionally.

    Also those emails that have NO greeting [such a pet peeve of mine], and those that aren't reviewed quickly for error/mis-communication.

    Also, signature...Mine is real formal on both my personal and school email. I totally judge when someone's isn't formal. :P
